What exactly does it mean when they say ‘someone is high’? Many people think getting high means losing your mind and doing irrational stuff. Some think it means going to a place of peace, my friend described it as getting your head formatted etc.
“To get high generally means being at peace with the universe i.e. a state of euphoria and not solely by the use of psychoactive”. You can get high by reading the Bible or Quran, sitting at the park looking at birds, by meditating and so on. This article will discuss some of the best ways of getting kind of extremely high,
1.     Binaural beats; this technology has actually been getting a lot of attention lately but unlike going to your dope dealer, all you need for it to work is your phone and headphones.
You can download binaural beats on music platforms, YouTube, tubidy etc. Play it on high volume on your headphones and try to concentrate on it and nothing else. There has been excellent reviews from people who use this technology. Many people says it helps them relax, others says it helps them sleep etc. Binaural beats are made by combining two slightly different sound frequencies to create the perception of a single note.

2.     Sadcore music; if this was the ghetto, I would name this as my personal shit. It’s a music genre sampled from alternative rock and having bleak lyrics, downbeat melodies and slower melodies. Prominent artists of this genre are Lana Del Rey and Billy Eilish. Bleak as this may sound, I’ve never seen a more effective. When I’m realize how stupid my life is, I just hit up Lana and all my problems go away. Examples of songs you can search for are Billie- 8, Lana- Tomorrow never came, Lana- change, Billie- wish you were gay, Asa- so beautiful.
3.     Dynwell syrup; Yah yah yah, you thought they aint gonna be no drugs? Before you snap, it’s not as bad as you think. I actually came to know it by accident. Its purpose is to be an appetite booster. When it’s taken and lots of food isn’t consumed, it tends to put you in a huge sleep (my record was 12 hours). When you wake up, you will feel like you woke up in Snoop’s crib with something you can’t decide whether you are still high or having a hangover. The fucked up part is that you wanna do it again.

There is more to getting high than we can ever imagine. Other honorable mentions would include; Chinese tea, cigarette, alcohol etc. I hope these tips really helped. Don’t forget to subscribe for more. You can leave a comment, 


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